Harlequin Quartz Lantern Necklace

Harlequin Quartz Lantern Necklace
Harlequin Quartz contains clear quartz, Hematite, (possibly goethite), expedite, amethyst clouds and phantoms.
Hematie offers grounding and a feeling of protection. The Amethyst helps one to connect the crown chakra, helping one to pull from an intuitive place. This combination is crucial for connecting to the divine feminine. We have a deep need for security in order to truly open up and be in a state of receipt. When our root chakra is in balance we truly feel at peace to use our intuition and trust our first instincts.
I love this stone when working with light and dark feminine. Both spaces allow a return to the feminine divine and this stone is an amazing assist. In order to feel into that spectrum of emotion that the feminine wishes for us, the safest of spaces must be contained. These lightning shaped hematite shards surrounded by a quartz amplifier is an amazing way to jolt you into a grounded state. Therefore you will alow yourself to go even deeper into what you are willing to ask of yourself.
Truly an amazing ally stone for all archetypes associated with the feminine. Or for those in a strong masculine who wish to explore this side of being.
A harlequin quartz differs from fire quartz in that the quartz that the hematite is included in is water clear.
Hematite absorbs toxic energy and toxins in the blood, this combo also provides a feeling of security in the darkest of times allowing you to continue in your path.
16” 14k Chain
Recycled 14k bezel on 14k Bail
High Grade harlequin Quartz
Metals: Mixture of gold filled and recycled 10k gold.